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At, we work hard to gather information on every American school including career-oriented trade and technical schools (also certification programs and other not-so-well-known schools), so that every student can find the right school for them.
It’s a free site to use. Prospective students can search the database for schools by state, degree, and subject. We also offer a free matching service where prospective students can fill out some basic information about themselves and what they are interested in. The matching engine will take that information and return with a list of schools that match their needs. Using the matching service, kids can also sort and filter through schools based on whatever criteria they choose.
OnLine Colleges:
- Answers to the most common student questions about scholarships, accreditation and the prevalence of online education in Florida
- A curated list of the best scholarships available to Florida students, both distance learners and those interested in a traditional campus education
- A detailed description of every accredited online college in Florida
Meet with your counselor to develop a four(4) year plan.
Remember that two years of foreign language and Algebra II are minimum requirements for admissions to college.
If you are going to a particular college, visit their website and plan your high school studies in relation to that college’s requirements.
Make sure you are enrolled in college-preparatory or business courses.
Always work to your highest academic potential.
The grades you earn in 9 grade will be included in your final high school GPA and class rank, which is important for college admission and scholarships.
Students intending to apply to college in the Florida University system are strongly advised to take 19 units in the following 5 core academic areas: English, Math, Science, Social Studs and Foreign Language.
Develop good study habits.
Explore individual interests and possible careers.
Take advantage of guest speaker opportunities.
Participate in extracurricular activities and community service activities. Check with Mrs. Hall to get ideas for community service.
Read for pleasure and while you are at it, learn unfamiliar words. Vocabulary skills come in handy on the SAT Reasoning Test.
Keep a record of all your activities.
Visit Florida’s Central Web Resource for high school students
Meet with your counselor to make sure your courses fit the program you are interested in following through high school.
Take the PSAT (October) seriously. These tests will prepare you for the SAT and ACT.
Be prepared to take and pass the FCAT writing and the FCAT Reading and End of Course tests.
Keep your grades up, so you can have the highest GPA and class rank.
Continue with community service activities.
Go to the College and Career Fairs.
Continue to check out & Bright Futures pamphlet
Meet with your counselor to make sure you are on track to pursue your college plans. Colleges look at a rigorous course load.
Re-take the PSAT to practice for the SAT and to qualify for scholarships offered by the National Merit Corporation.
Start researching scholarships and check out the scholarship newsletters on our webpage.
Identify the characteristics of a college that matters to you-size, location, cost, academic rigor, social environment and diversity.
Sign up in the Guidance office for the College Representative visits.
Make sure you have signed up to take the ACT or SAT or both.
The ACT examines knowledge learned in school and the SAT is an aptitude test. (Free SAT Prep)
Visit websites such as,, or go to specific college sites.
Work up a list of schools you want to visit during Spring Break (or in the fall) with your parents.
It’s best to plan to be on campus while schools are in session.
Review the Bright Futures pamphlet.
Think about teachers you would like to write letters of recommendations for you.
Start thinking about essay topics.
Compile a resume of activities, honors, leadership positions, and job experience.
You will need this information for college applications and scholarship forms.
Attend the Financial Aid workshop in January.
Start the application process early.
Get your letters of recommendations.
Work on your essays.
Keep up to date on scholarships.
Check out the latest Scholarship Newsletter on our website.
Request your transcripts be sent to the colleges.
Get a Request For High School Trancript form from the front office and return it to Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Wermerskirchen.
Register for SAT (Free SAT Prep) and or ACT if you haven’t taken or you need to raise your test scores for scholarships (Bright Futures) or college acceptance.
Make sure you request your scores be sent to the 4 top college choices.
In December you can start working on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form ( go on line and apply for the Bright Futures Scholarship. EVERYONE, regardless of family income, SHOULD fill out this form.
Attend Financial Aid workshop in January.
Make sure the high school has your correct social security number.
Maintain high grades and a rigorous course load. Colleges want students that are committed to a strong academic program.