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Game Schedules 

Athletic Clearance Directions begins 5/1/24 Click Here             

EL2 Physical Form for your Doctor to sign

NFHS Required Courses 

Planning on Playing Sports in College Register here for College Athletics

NCAA Eligibility Center

NAIA Eligibillity Center

See Florida's Hazing Law- Hazing is a Criminal Offense

“Nowhere do you find it in education like you find it in activities, that teachers are teaching what they want to teach to students who are learning what they want to learn, and both are willing to commit and sacrifice their own time after school so that everything that can be taught is taught, and everything that can be learned is learned,” Al Burr


Contest information

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Tickets GoFan Link

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Our Home Venues and Addresses

Many of Our Opponents Addresses

Banners to Support Athletics

Click below on the topics for information and pricing to order your family and business banners to support Oasis Athletics.

Banner Order Information

Become a Sponsor of Athletics

Please consider making a donations that will go directly to athletics or a specific team, to better the experience of all our athletes. Wouldn't you like to be a donor? Choose your comfortlevel.  Friend of the Program ($10-$99) Bronze ($100-$499) Silver ($500-$999) Gold ($1000-$4999) Platinum ($5000-$9999) Diamond ($10,000 and up) Thank you!
Click to Donate Now!



Oasis High School Athletics offers 23 sports with different levels of competition, giving students the opportunity to improve their athletic abilities and develop the desirable, intrinsic qualities derived from competition and most importantly have fun. We consider Educational Athletics to be an important extension of the classroom and believe it be beneficial for our student-athletes as they grow into great young men and women.

It is the desire of the administration and coaching team of Oasis High School that being an athlete will be one of the highlights of your high school career. Being a student-athlete is a privilege and student athletes have many responsibilities. As athletes at OHS, our young people have an impeccable image to reflect. That image is one of positive leadership, character, responsibility, exemplary sportsmanship, and great competitive spirit. Our athletic program allows oure students, along with achieving academic success, to develop athletic skills to the fullest. Furthermore, the athletic program challenges each participant to grow, to learn and become a positive contributor and participant in their community.

Athletic Director